5th Creph Annual Seminar 2011: Passivity: At the crossroads of phenomenology and psychology
The research seminar in phenomenology is an activity of the FNRS Doctoral School. Organized over a whole week, it aims at stimulating collaborative research, open to original contributions from Belgian and foreign researchers and academics.
Presentation of the topic: How and to what extent can phenomenology, while doing justice to a certain autonomy of consciousness (as a free and responsible instance in respect to theoretical and practical reason), integrate the findings of empirical psychology, which instead highlights the laws and other determinisms which weigh on mental life: associations and other passive syntheses, habitus, tendencies, interests, unconscious forces, etc.? Detailed presentation (in French) [52 Kb]
Invited speakers
- Roland Breeur (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
- Robert Brisart (FUSL, Université de Luxembourg)
- Ronan de Calan (Université de Paris 1, IHPST)
- Vincent De Coorebyter (CRISP)
- Julien Farges (Université de Paris 4)
- Raphaël Gély (Université catholique de Louvain)
- Carlo Ierna (Archives Husserl Leuven)
- Laurent Joumier (Archives Husserl Paris)
- Antonino Mazzú (Université libre de Bruxelles)
- Arnaud Tomes (Université de Strasbourg)
Room: Salle de l'Horloge (University of Liège, Central Building, Place du Vingt-Août, Aile des Jésuites, 2nd mezzanine).
Further information: Grégory Cormann: gregory.cormann[at]ulg.ac.be - Bruno Leclercq: b.leclercq[at]ulg.ac.be - Tel. +32 (0)4 366 54 17 ou +32 (0)4 366 55 92
- » Poster [54 Kb]
- » Poster of the Sartre day (May 5) [25 Kb]
- » Proseminar
- » Call-for-papers
- » Submission form: doc [24 Kb] / txt [2 Kb]
- » Abstracts
The seminar is free of charge and open to the public without registration.
Practical details
The seminar will take place from May 2 to 6, at the University of Liège (Belgium).
Registration is not required for attendance and is free for speakers. At the participant's request, the Philosophy Department will issue a certificate which can be used for doctoral certification (ECTS).
Proposals (title and abstract) should be sent to Grégory Cormann (gregory.cormann[at]ulg.ac.be) and Bruno Leclercq (b.leclercq[at]ulg.ac.be) by December 31, 2009. Please use only the electronic registration form. Acceptance or refusal will be notified by January 15.
The languages of the seminar are French and English.
The Doctoral School does not cover the accommodation and travel costs of the CFP speakers. Information on accommodation is available (please contact G. Cormann or B. Leclercq).