Federico Boccaccini

- Professeur (Universidade de Brasília)
- Collaborateur scientifique (univ. de Liège)
- ORCID: 0000-0002-7487-2691
- » Curriculum vitae [320 Kb] [3/11/2017]
- Domaines de recherche: Métaphysique, théorie de la connaissance; Brentano et l'école brentanienne.
Federico Boccaccini is currently associate professor at the University of Brasilia and scientific collaborator at the Philosophy Department. He worked in Creph during several years as a postdoctoral researcher (Euraxess grant 2011-2013; fellowship of the "Brentano School" project 2013-2014; FNRS grant 2014-2017). He obtained his BA in philosophy in Rome (La Sapienza) and his MA and PhD in Paris (Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris1).
He was academic visitor for the Trinity Term 2013 to the Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies Project (ERC), at the University of Oxford.
Much of his work has focused on the legacy and impact of early modern philosophy of science and mind on the 19th and 20th-century philosophy with a particular attention to the connection between Franz Brentano and 19th century philosophy, early phenomenology and analytic philosophy, and the late modern metaphysics, ontology, and logic (esp. Aristotelian tradition). His research interests in philosophy are primarily in history of ontology of mind, intentionality, history of philosophy of social sciences (HPSS) connected to the theory of knowledge, and mental agency. He received a grant support as a Principal Investigator from F.R.S.- FNRS for his project ACME (2014-2017) on the history and logic of mental acts. He also co-promoter of the inter-university project "L'expérience des états mentaux" (2018-2021) between the University of Liege and the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) funded by the FNRS and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
His main present project is a monograph on Brentano and modern philosophy of mind and a second book, written in collaboration with M. Antonelli, on Brentano for the major series in Italy of introductions to the great Western philosophers. He is seriously considering writing a third book about the making of empirical psychology in the modern European context (1538-1879).
He founded an interdisciplinary group on the philosophy of history, supported by FNRS, in order to exchange ideas among scholars about methodology and epistemology of writing history of Western thought (including history of science and intellectual history) displayed in particular on the topics of truth and narrativity, epistemic value of history, historical knowledge and epistemology of history of philosophy.
Instituto de Ciências Humanas
Departamento de Filosofia
Universidade de Brasília, Brazil
UNB - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro
Brasília - DF, 70910-900, Brazil
Publications (books & journal special issues) []
Boccaccini F., éd., Phénoménologie de l'action: Perspectives contemporaines sur l'agentivité et le sujet, Leiden Boston, Brill, 2023.
Antonelli M., Boccaccini F., éds., Franz Brentano, New York, Routledge, 2018 (Critical Assessments of Leading Philosophers).
Boccaccini F., Marmodoro A., éds., British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 23/3 (May) (2017), numéro spécial: Mental Powers in Early Modern Philosophy.
Boccaccini F., éd., Bulletin d'analyse phénoménologique, 10, 6 (2014), numéro spécial: D'un point de vue intentionnel: Aspects et enjeux de la philosophie de Roderick Chisholm.
Teachings []
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