5th Creph Annual Seminar 2011: Passivity: At the crossroads of phenomenology and psychology
The research unit "Phenomenologies" of the University of Liège organizes its 5th annual research seminar in phenomenology. The subject this year is: "At the crossroads of phenomenology and psychology: The problem of passivity."
Organized over a whole week, the seminar aims at stimulating collaborative research, open to original contributions from Belgian and foreign scholars.
Further information (practical details, registration form) as well as a short presentation of the topic are available on the web page of the seminar.
All submissions (title and abstract) are to be sent with the registration form via e-mail to Grégory Cormann (gregory.cormann[at]ulg.ac.be) and Bruno Leclercq (b.leclercq[at]ulg.ac.be). Deadline: December 31, 2010. Acceptance or refusal will be notified by January 15.
- » Submission form: doc [24 Kb] / txt [2 Kb]
- » Practical details
gregory.cormann[at]ulg.ac.be - b.leclercq[at]ulg.ac.be