University of Liège Philosophy Department

Center for Phenomenological Research

Series of Seminars in Philosophy of Mind

University of Liege, March-June 2021
Liege, Belgium

'Experiences' is a series of seminars in philosophy of mind organized by the CREPH (Research Center in Phenomenology) group at the University of Liege as part of the project 'The Phenomenology of Mental States.' The aim is to investigate subjective experience from the angle of the many different questions that might arise concerning its phenomenology, its metaphysics, and its epistemology. The series gathers talks from young, as well as senior, researchers with different theoretical backgrounds and inclinations, and offers the opportunity to discuss the latest directions and outcomes of their research. Thereby, it collects different views and perspectives, as well as the most recent ideas, on experience and experiences.

Meetings are structured in a 50-minute presentation, followed by an extensive Q&A time. They will be held online on Cisco Webex and are open to anyone interested in the topic. To participate and receive updates about the talks, please email Davide Bordini at: davide.bordini[at]

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Davide Bordini (Univ. of Liège / Creph)

Arnaud Dewalque (Univ. of Liège / Creph)

Anna Giustina (Univ. of Liège / Creph)


[Show / Hide all abstracts]

March 2, 2021
4-6 pm (CET): Jonathan Mitchell (Manchester), Attitudes of Attention. Abstract
March 8 New date!
4-6 pm (CET): Declan Smithies (Ohio State), Understanding, Inference, and Consciousness. Abstract
March 15
4-6 pm (CET): Louise Richardson (York), Absence Experience in Grief. Abstract
March 29
4-6 pm (CEST): Martina Fürst (Graz), Experiences, Phenomenal Concepts, and Epistemic Injustice. Abstract
April 27
4-6 pm (CEST): Maja Spener (Birmingham), Introspection in the Science of Consciousness. Abstract
May 10
4-6 pm (CEST): Carlota Serrahima (Barcelona), Painful Moods and the Affective Component of Primary Dysmenorrhea. Abstract
May 25
4-6 pm (CEST): Laura Gow (Liverpool), Empty Space, Silence & Absence. Abstract
May 31
4-6 pm (CEST): Nick Young (Milan), Audition: Image and Appearance. Abstract
June 7
6-8 pm (CEST): Ken Williford (UT Arlington), Four Aspects of Subjectivity. Abstract
June 22
6-8 pm (CEST): Adriana Renero (NYU/CUNY), The Routes of Introspection. Abstract