Bulletin d'analyse phénoménologique - Permanent Call-For-Papers
We kindly invite researchers to submit their original research papers for electronic publication in BAP (Bulletin d'analyse phénoménologique). BAP is an open-access and on-line scholarly journal dedicated to all areas of phenomenological philosophy.
Papers may be submitted in English, French, and German. They should be sent to the Editors [ ] in electronic form as Word (*.doc, *.docx), Rich Text Format (*.rtf), or OpenOffice Writer (*.odt). No deadline. Only electronic submissions are acceptable.
Papers should be submitted along with 5-10 keywords and an abstract of about 200 words. The author should include her name, postal address, status, and affiliation.
All submissions are subject to double-blind peer review prior to publication. Acceptance or refusal will be notified to the author after 1-3 months, based on the recommendation of the advisory board.
» Website of the journal (PoPuPS)
» Instructions aux auteurs (articles en français)
Info & Contact
Bulletin d'analyse phénoménologique
Université de Liège
Département de philosophie
Centre de recherches phénoménologiques
7, Place du Vingt-Août
B-4000 Liège (Belgium)