13th Creph Annual Seminar 2019: Introspection and Self-Awareness
University of Liège, April 23-26, 2019.
- Call-for-papers
- Submission form: doc - txt
➔ Venue: Philosophy Department meeting room (Place du Vingt-Août 7, Central Building
A1, 3rd floor)
Tue 23 April 2019
Day of the FNRS contact group:
- 9:00 Welcome and opening remarks by Denis Seron (FNRS, Université de Liège).
- 9:30 Wojciech Starzynski (Polish Academy of Sciences), La conscience de soi propre au phénomène affectif: analyse brentaniano-cartésienne.
- 10:30 Baptiste Stehlin (Université de Liège), Le rapport à soi dans la décision.
- 11:30 Coffee break.
- 11:45 Alexandre Charrier (Université de Paris Nanterre), The paradox of introspection, or the strange object of self-consciousness.
- 12:45 Lunch.
- 14:00 Anna Giustina (Institut Jean Nicod, Paris), Two kinds of non-reflective self-apprehension.
- 15:00 Arnaud Dewalque (Université de Liège), Implicit self-awareness.
- 16:00 Coffee break.
- 16:15 Julien Bugnon (Université de Fribourg), Introspective attention: the Gestalt account. Canceled
Chair: B. De Vlieger
Wed 24 April
Day of the
FNS/FNRS research project: The Phenomenology of Mental
States (Univ. de Liège, Univ. de Fribourg)
- 9:30 Charles Siewert (Rice University, Houston), Consciousness, reflection, and first-person warrant.
- 10:30 Stefan Lang (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Saale), The constitution of self-awareness: Objections against self-representationalism.
- 11:30 Coffee break.
- 11:45 Klaus Gaertner (Universidade de Lisboa), Privileged self-knowledge, and what we can learn from the predictive mind.
- 12:45 Lunch.
- 14:00 Giovanni Merlo (University of Stirling), Privileged access without luminosity.
- 15:00 Amir Horowitz (The Open University of Israel), Against first-person knowledge of content.
- 16:00 Coffee break.
- 16:15 Marco Coratolo (Université de Liège) & Placido Sciortino (Universität Bielefeld), If the eyes didn’t see, the hands wouldn’t take: Self fluctuations in the rubber hand experiment.
Chair: A. Dewalque
Thu 25 April
- 9:30 Bertille De Vlieger (Université de Lille), Different kinds of self-awareness for introspection.
- 10:30 Jonathan Mitchell (University of Manchester), The opacity of emotional experience.
- 11:30 Coffee break.
- 11:45 Davide Bordini (Université de Liège), Introspection and intentionalism about moods.
- 12:45 Lunch.
- 14:00 Chad Kidd (The City University of New York CUNY), How to argue transcendentally for cognitive phenomenology.
- 16:00 Coffee break.
- 15:00 Gianfranco Soldati (Université de Fribourg), Transparency of desire and/or intention.
- 16:15 Maik Niemeck (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), The subjective character of experience as a mode.
Chair: D. Seron
Fri 26 April
- 9:30 François Kammerer (FNRS, Université catholique de Louvain), Alternative introspection(s).
- 10:30 Bruno Leclercq (Université de Liège), Are self-consciousness and introspective knowledge one and the same thing?
- 11:30 Coffee break.
- 11:45 Jean-Philippe Narboux (Université de Bordeaux), Self-consciousness and self-knowledge: Anscombe vs. Evans.
- 12:45 Lunch.
- 14:00 Valérie Aucouturier (Université Saint-Louis à Bruxelles), First person, self-consciousness and action.
- 15:00 Rosanna Wannberg (Université Saint-Louis à Bruxelles), Penser la connaissance de soi et l’autorité de la première personne avec et après Wittgenstein.
- 16:00 Coffee break.
- 16:15 Jérôme Englebert (Université de Liège), Conscience de soi et schizophrénie.
- 17:15 End of the seminar.
Chair: Ch. Gauvry