11th Creph Annual Seminar: Phenomenology of Emotion

University of Liège, April 24-28, 2017.


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Monday, April 24. Early phenomenology / Introspection
Meeting Room of the Philosophy Dpt (Place du Vingt-Août 7, Central Building A1, 3rd floor)
Tuesday, April 25: Intentionality
Room: Salle de l'horloge (Place du Vingt-Août 7, Central Building, Jesuits Wing, 2nd mezzanine)
Wednesday, April 26: Psychopathology / Sartre
Room: Salle de l'horloge (Place du Vingt-Août 7, Central Building, Jesuits Wing, 2nd mezzanine)
Thursday, April 27: Phenomenality
Journée du groupe de contact en phénoménologie du F.R.S.-FNRS
Room: Salle de l'horloge (Place du Vingt-Août 7, Central Building, Jesuits Wing, 2nd mezzanine)
Friday, April 28: Heidegger / Microphenomenology / Psychopathology
Room: Salle de l'horloge (Place du Vingt-Août 7, Central Building, Jesuits Wing, 2nd mezzanine)


a.dewalque[at]ulg.ac.be - aurelien.zincq[at]ulg.ac.be