University of Liège Philosophy Department

Center for Phenomenological Research


The Center for Phenomenological Research (Creph) was founded in 2001 on the initiative of academics and researchers of the University of Liège — F. Caeymaex, G. Cormann, D. Giovannangeli, S. Laoureux, B. Leclercq, D. Seron —, in order to unite fragmented initiatives into a larger infrastructure. Attached from the beginning to the Department of Philosophy, the group officially became a Faculty research unit three years later, by resolution of the Faculty Council dated Oct. 6, 2004.

The research unit merged, in 2008, with the Aesthetics Seminar of the University. In 2014, due to new regulations, it was integrated into the "Teaching and Research Department of Philosophy". Another restructuring of the University research regulation, in 2016, eventually caused its conversion into a "research center" and its integration in the "Traverses" research unit. In February 2019, the group changed its original name "Unité de recherche Phénoménologies" (URPh) to "Centre de recherches phénoménologiques" (Creph).

Boards 2002-2025

  1. 2002-2004 D. Giovannangeli (prés.), D. Seron (dir.), F. Caeymaex (secr.)
  2. 2004-2007 D. Giovannangeli (prés.), D. Seron (dir.), S. Laoureux (secr.)
  3. 2007-2009 D. Giovannangeli (prés.), D. Seron (dir.), A. Dewalque (secr.)
  4. 2009-2012 D. Seron (dir.), D. Darcis (secr.)
  5. 2013-2014 D. Seron (dir.), M. Hagelstein (secr.)
  6. 2014-2016 D. Seron (dir.), Ch. Gauvry (secr.)
  7. 2016-2019 D. Seron (dir.), A. Hervy (secr.)
  8. 2019-2021 D. Seron (dir.), M. Coratolo (secr.)
  9. 2021 suiv. D. Seron (dir.), A. Dewalque (secr.)