Liège-Luxembourg Subjectivity Workshop
Univ. of Liège, November 26, 2024
Organized as part of the Creph ARC research project: MIND - The British Sources of Philosophy of Mind 1888-1949
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11:30-12:45 Grégory Bochner (Univ. libre de Bruxelles), The Knowledge Argument: A Trilemma between Physicalism, Transparency, and 2D Semantics.
12:45-13:30 Lunch.
13:30-14:45 Thomas Raleigh (Univ. of Luxembourg), Experiencing Properties.
14:45-16:00 Frank Hofmann (Univ. of Luxembourg), Self-Concern and First-Personal Reasons.
16:00-16:15 Coffee break.
16:15-17:30 Valentina Martinis (Univ. of Liège), The Problem of Evaluability for Objectual Content.
17:30-18:45 Ethan Field (Univ. of Liège) / Arnaud Dewalque (Univ. of Liège), Experiencing Introspectively: The Phenomenal Modification Problem and the Adverbial Approach.
Daniel Barrio Martinez (Univ. of Luxembourg), Cailan Harris (Univ. of Luxembourg), Louis Rouillé (Univ. of Liège), Bruno Leclercq (Univ. of Liège), Kieran Salt (Univ. of Luxembourg), Denis Seron (Univ. of Liège).
Meeting Room of the Philosophy Department (University of Liège, Place du Vingt-Août 7, Central Building A1, 3rd floor). Access & maps
Arnaud Dewalque |